  • Assistance

    Assistance (8)

    Here, you will find the best way to apply the Internet of Things in helping people in need of assistance. From the location, to the control of assistive devices to the electrical consumption.
  • Air quality

    Air quality (5)

    Our devices are capable of controlling up to ten different air parameters. The level of C02, the micro-particles, etc. They are essential to prevent the spread of diseases through the air.
  • Energy consumption

    Energy consumption (3)

    We have devices capable of measuring electricity consumption, both for domestic and industrial use.
  • Industry

    Industry (14)

    Our industrial devices, based on multiple connectivity frequencies, allow us to guarantee access to the industrial model 4.0 industries. The IoT era is here.
  • Location

    Location (6)

    You will see how we are able to locate both people and objects, in closed and open spaces. With great energy efficiency and using the latest communication technologies, we are prepared to provide high quality location data.
  • Temperature

    Temperature (11)

    Here you will see a list of our temperature control devices. Some with external probe, others capable of simultaneously controlling parameters such as humidity, pressure, etc.