Question/Answer System

Our client, a company that is dedicated to the manufacture of products for industry, needed to have the traceability of all your technical documentation, the plans of their products and the regulations associated with them, so that the changes, versions and improvements that occur throughout the product value chain were available.

At that time the client had the information in different formats and repositories and the first step was unify all the information available. Work was done to evaluate and value the best system so that its workers could collaborate proactively in updating this new way of structure and store information.

The client assumed that, until this work was done, the development of an AI model to have the traceability of its products was not an acceptable objective, so the client created an internal project lasting 12/18 months to have a structured database allowing you to go to the next step: Creating the AI ​​model

This same client had detailed and structured information on their pre-sales and after-sales service, which is why they started a pilot project.

Project summary:

By having detailed and structured pre-sale and post-sale information, it was possible to develop a SLM question-answer to support a growing network of distributors with which they began their international expansion.

The responses obtained were passed to a Specialized translation LLM (with sector vocabulary) into the language of each region/country, so the knowledge of their products and the permanent availability of information has allowed them to reach a market share greater than the objectives they had set.

Note. This type of SLM question-answer, can be used, previously adapted, in any type of company, as long as the company has a minimum amount of data.

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