monitoring structures


A town hall suffered heavy rain for a short period of time. As a result, shortly thereafter, some small cracks in some Antique buildings of the municipality, creating considerable social alarm.

From the consistory, they requested a system with alarms and reports to be able to monitor in real time the evolution of these cracks so that they could assess a possible danger before encountering a misfortune.

The system should also be linked to a preventive alarm. Data collection was proposed to be able to analyze the viability of applying an Artificial Intelligence model that would allow them to make a prediction of possible future catastrophes.


A system with a high IP level (to be able to be placed outdoors) was provided, which monitors changes in cracks with high precision, which facilitates the inclination, acceleration and dilation from the cracks, and the ambient temperature and humidity. In addition, it has an autonomy of 3 years, although it can work plugged in.

The system has proactive filters to avoid false alarms. Currently, a continuous collection of data is being carried out that will be used in the near future for the development of an AI model that allows them to limit the capacity of old buildings to preserve their condition

It developed a panel to view, monitor and receive the alarmsas well as sending automatic reports newspapers to those responsible for the project and an audit of the events that were taking place was also implemented.


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